exterior red building and court yard garden group photo

Dulux Study Tour 2018

Revisit past tours

The Dulux Study Tour is a coveted program that inspires and fosters Australia's next generation of emerging architectural talent. Winners will embark on an exciting architectural tour of major European cities London, Berlin and Milan where they can experience first hand some of the best architectural sites and practices. Photograph: Katelin Butler

London houses with ivy
London: Does studio culture equate to the architecture produced?

In London the winners of the 2018 Dulux Study Tour visited the studios of Foster and Partners, Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners, A_LA, Zaha Hadid Architects Ash Sakula Architects and others, gaining an inside look at what drives their culture. Photograph: Joshua Morrin.

People standing in a courtyard with greenery
Berlin: Architecture as an agent for social change

On the Berlin leg of the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2018 Dulux Study Tour, the group visited a number of projects that demonstrated how architecture could be used as a tool for social change. Photograph: Katelin Butler.

Modern multi-storey building, Milan
Milan: Why is “style” a dirty word in architecture?

In the design and fashion capital of Italy, the participants of the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2018 Dulux Study Tour found Milan is a city that embraces the idea of “style” and how it shapes architecture. Photograph: Katelin Butler.

Four men and a woman leaning on a yellow exterior wall.
Dulux Study Tour Blog 2018

Follow the journey of our 2018 winners are they explore the sights of Europe and document their findings. Photograph: Katelin Butle

2018 Dulux Study Tour Gallery

2018 Dulux Study Tour participants

The AIA Dulux Study Tour offers the winners a unique and exciting architectural experience. Participants visit a variety of architectural projects, partake in site tours, roam galleries and participate in networking opportunities with international architects and design professionals. The five winners from around Australia embarked on a 10-day tour of Europe in May.
Kim Bridgland - Edition Office, Victoria
Kim Bridgland

Edition Office, Victoria.

Leah Gallagher - Kin Architects, Queensland
Leah Gallagher

Kin Architects, Queensland.

Jason Licht - Cumulus Studio, Tasmania
Jason Licht

Cumulus Studio, Tasmania.

Joseph O'Meara - BVN, NSW
Joseph O'Meara


Dirk Yates - m3architecture, Queensland
Dirk Yates

m3architecture, Queensland.

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