About Venetian® Plaster Polished Stucco
The timeless beauty of Dulux® Venetian® Plaster Polished Stucco creates a luxurious finish with an unrivalled depth and richness of colour. The glass-like lustre is crafted in three to four layers and further enhanced by a specialty wax polish. Venetian® Plaster Polished Stucco is a traditional venetian plaster from yesteryear. It has a classic natural mineral look with a high-gloss finish yielding a multi-coloured marble effect. Venetian® Plaster Polished Stucco is the perfect choice to decorate high-hand interiors and is widely used in foyers, hotel reception areas and concert halls. It is an eco-friendly product, obtained from selected marble powders and genuine slaked lime baked in wood-fire kilns and aged for 8 to 10 months. Venetian® Plaster Polished Stucco is particularly suited to the preservative restoration of old historical buildings such as churches, palaces or villas, interior; to create surfaces of elevated aesthetic value in all settings whether modern or classic: halls, stairways, bathrooms, living rooms; to add a touch of elegance to the most refined public places such as hotels, restaurants, and shops. It is also the ideal solution as a finish on interior restorative dehumidifying plaster.
Available in Trade Outlets only, applying this product may require professional painter assistance. Check your local stockist for details.
At a glance
- Available in 20kg pails
- Shiniest product in the Venetian Plaster range
Previously Painted Surfaces
Exterior – preparation: application on top of limebased plaster is recommended. In the case of deteriorated plaster, it must be removed andrestored with new lime-based plaster. On plaster or old paint which is well anchored to the support but particularly friable, we recommendthe complete saturation of the support with one coat of primer diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio. In the presence of organic paints orsynthetic coatings these must be completely removed and the original plaster restored and smoothed with VENETIAN PLASTERTONACHINO in order to allow an appropriate and homogenous bond surface.Use water to wet dusty or particularly dry surfaces prior to application.Interior – preparation: on civil plaster or old mineral paints as long as they are not powdery, are in good condition and sufficiently rough,apply directly. On supports of the type: gesso, gypsum, plasterboard, old synthetic or powdery paints, stucco smoothingetc, apply a coat of primer to the point of saturation and subsequently a coat of VENETIAN PLASTERMARMORINO. Neutralize in advance with appropriate products the presence of stains of various types or any saline efflorescence. In thecase of irregular supports, whether interior or exterior, with uneven absorption rates, restored plaster, stains, etc., the application of alayer of Intocalce with a steel trowel is recommended in order to even out the surface and create the ideal base for even absorption.If you wish to fill the surface to a greater degree or give VENETIAN PLASTER POLISHED STUCCO a more “veined” or “pointed” appearanceapply VENETIAN PLASTER POLISHED STUCCO with a steel trowel filling any cracks or imperfections in the surface . When the firstlayer is completely dry, apply a second layer to level the surface, otherwise apply VENETIAN PLASTER POLISHED STUCCO directly
Brush, roller
Apply one or two layers of VENETIAN PLASTER STUCCO with a steel trowel or spatula letting each layer dry before proceeding in orderto obtain a perfectly smooth surface. At this point on the last layer , which has dried slightly, making sure that it is neithercompletely dry and nor excessively wet, proceed to the polishing by going over the surface repeatedly with a spatula, pressing hard. Toconfer an increased degree of water repellency and compactness to the surface apply, after about 2/3 hours, with a steel trowel andpressing energetically, a layer of Cere Brillante Wax or a layer of virgin beeswax
Unused paint
Refer to the products label and the Material Safety Data Sheet
Venetian® Plaster Polished Stucco
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