Preparing your surface correctly will mean the difference between a long-lasting paint job and the need to repaint. Prepare any wall with confidence using the range of Dulux preparation products.
Nothing beats a great paint job, especially one you’ve done yourself. Give yourself the best chance at success by following these instructions.
Give yourself the best chance of success with our exterior preparation guides
As well as being hazardous to health, mould can cause unpleasant smells and stains. Here are some tips on how to deal with mould and ensure a lasting paint finish.
The walls of your home colour your world. They are what set the mood for everyday life. So, the way you apply your paint can be just as important as the colour itself.
Looking to make a change to your feature wall? Thankfully removing your old Dulux effects paint is simple when you're ready for a new look.
Your guide to product selection for repainting interior and exterior weather-affected surfaces.
Your guide to product selection for repainting exterior weather-affected surfaces.