How to prepare your glossy surface for painting

Dulux PRECISION® Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer is specifically formulated to bond to a variety of coatings such as glazed tiles, glass, laminate and glossy enamels that can be tough to paint on. Here's how to use it:

Adheres to ‘tough to paint’ surfaces

Dulux Precision Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer provides a sound base for topcoats while eliminating the need for sanding dense, glossy surfaces including varnished timber. The primer has excellent adhesion properties and can suitable for interior or exterior use as a primer, sealer and undercoat.

Step-by-step guide

Here's what you'll need to get started:

Pick the right primer for your project

How to prepare your glossy surface for painting

Dulux PRECISION® Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer is specifically formulated to bond to a variety of tough-to-paint surfaces that typically resist coatings such as glazed tiles, glass, laminate, PVC, vinyl, glass, glazed tiles, high gloss enamels, fibreglass, galvanised steel, glazed brick, chalky paints, masonry, metal, uPVC, aged enamels, and Laminex®.

Dulux PRECISION® Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer is dry to touch in 30 minutes and can be re-coated after 1 hour.

Wash all surfaces with warm soapy water or Selleys® Sugar Soap to ensure it is clean, dry and free of oil, grease or mildew. Fill nail holes and cracks with a suitable filler, then sand smooth. Stir well before use with a broad flat paddle using an up and down scooping action. Apply one coat of Dulux PRECISION® Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer. DO NOT TINT.

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