How To Guides
Safety information
Basic safety information is included on the labels of our products. For more information, you can obtain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) on the individual product. This information is available from the product pages of this website, or you can contact Dulux Help & Advice on 13 25 25.

In an emergency
If there has been a safety, health or environmental emergency involving one of our products, please contact our Emergency Response service on 1800 033 111 (24 hours). In the event of an emergency, do not email us because our email service is not monitored with the intent to provide emergency response.
Determining if your old painted surface contains lead
In buildings that are very old, it is possible that some of the original paint or primers may still contain lead. Extreme care should be taken with the removal of these coatings. They should not be sanded or burnt. Independent chemical laboratories can test paint flakes for lead. Further information can be obtained from the Environment Protection Agency on 1800 803 772.

Disposing of unwanted paint
Never dispose of unwanted paint by pouring it down household or stormwater drains.
Water-based paints can be treated with Dulux ENVIROSOLUTIONS®: Waste Paint Hardener. This product turns the liquid paint into a solid mass, which can then be disposed of responsibly.
The can, once emptied, can be placed in household recycling bins. Unwanted oil-based paints can be disposed of by pouring the excess onto an absorbent material such as kitty litter, cardboard or shredded paper. Allow to dry and dispose with your normal household waste collection.
Disposal of large quantities of paint
Paintback® is an industry initiative to divert architectural and decorative waste paint from landfill by depositing unwanted paint to the local collection points. The scheme enables the collection and treatment of waste paint and waste packaging through participating sites around Australia.
For more information on responsible paint disposal, visit
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