For a successful paint job, it's important you have the right equipment and technique. Use this guide and get all the tricks and tips you need for a professional finish.
Colour reflects who we are and who we aspire to be. It’s expressive, fun, creative, complimentary and always conversational. At Dulux we love it! That's why we want to provide you with the best tools to find your perfect paint colour.
Whether you want to breathe new life into something old, or add a bit of colour to something new, a quick spray paint with Dulux Duramax® will fix it.
Brush up your painting skills with these simple tips and tricks from Dulux.
If you’ve noticed black, grey or brown areas on your painted surface, you’re dealing with a mould problem. Follow our problem solver guide any problem you have.
Explore these tips on caring for the paint on your home so that you can extend the life of your paint and help maintain the value of your investment.
To use a roller you'll need a tray, frame, roller cover and possibly an extension pole. Make sure you have the right roller for the job.
It's important that all paint is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Follow these tips to make clean up an ease.
Basic safety information is included on the labels of our products. For more information, you can obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet on the individual product.
Following these tips from Dulux will help you achieve the quality paint job you are after.
Painting your fence has been made easy with the Dulux RapidFinish™ multipurpose spray unit so you can spend less time painting than if using a brush or roller. Just see how easy it is!
Have you accumulated a collection of leftover paint? Here are some tips to declutter, order and store your Dulux paint cans at home.
Have you noticed small droplets appearing on your fresh coat of acrylic paint? This is known as 'surfactant leaching'. Don't panic - it's a normal part of the curing process.
Yellowing is the development of a yellow cast in aging solvent-based enamels. It’s most noticeable in the dried films of white paints or clear varnishes.
Wrinkling is a term to describe a rough, crinkled paint surface, which occurs when uncured paint forms a 'skin'.
Sagging is the downward "drooping" movement of the paint film immediately after application that results in an uneven coating.
If you’ve noticed black, grey or brown areas on your painted surface, chances are you’re dealing with a mould problem.
Roller spattering is the tendency of a roller to throw off small droplets of paint during application.
Cracking or flaking is the splitting of a dry paint film. This is a problem that needs fixing as it can lead to complete failure of the paint.
Wrinkling is a term to describe a rough, crinkled paint surface, which occurs when uncured paint forms a 'skin'.
Tannin staining is the brownish or tan discoloration on a painted surface due to migration of tannins from the substrate through the paint film.
Have you noticed small droplets appearing on your fresh coat of acrylic paint? This is known as 'surfactant leaching'. Don't panic - it's a normal part of the curing process.
Poor gloss retention is the deterioration of paint film that results in excessive, or rapid loss of lustre in the topcoat.
If you’ve noticed black, grey or brown areas on your painted surface, chances are you’re dealing with a mould problem. For each problem you’ll find a guide to identifying it, its causes and solutions.