Health and sustainability certifications and approvals

Health and sustainability certifications and approvals

Learn how Dulux is being sustainable and eco-conscious, and download our certifications and environmental product declarations.

Global GreenTag™

Dulux UltraAir® and Dulux envirO₂™ have independent verification from Global GreenTag™ for health and sustainability benefits. The paints' world-leading Platinum ratings and GreenRate Level A certification contribute toward obtaining Green Star, WELL and LEED credits. It can also help those using the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia's IS rating tool.

Environmental Product Declarations

Dulux is the first major paint brand in Australia to complete Environmental Product Declarations (EPD). The Dulux envirO₂™ and Dulux UltraAir® EPDs are an overview of their environmental performance throughout their life cycle providing data about the environmental impact of the paint, including its carbon footprint.


The GREENGUARD Gold certificate of compliance independently proves Dulux UltraAir® meets some of the world’s most rigorous chemical emissions standards to help maintain a healthier indoor environment and ensure it is acceptable for use in environments such as schools and healthcare facilities.

Declare® Red List Free

Dulux envirO2™ has achieved Declare® Red List Free certification from the International Living Institute (ILFI) across the entire envirO2™ range, marking it as the only major Australian paint brand to receive this eco certification across a full product range.

Dulux UltraAir®

An Environmental Product Declaration provides data about the environmental performance of Dulux products in your project.

This EPD is part of our commitment to provide transparency on the potential environmental impacts of the Dulux UltraAir® preparation, wall, trim and ceiling paint system over its life cycle, including manufacture, packaging, distribution, application and end of life.

This EPD contributes to the achievement of credits under Green Star®, WELL™ and other leading green building rating schemes.

Download the Dulux UltraAir® EPD here

Learn about the benefits

Committed to a sustainable future

Dulux continually develops sustainable solutions to help reduce environmental impact and meet industry standards. Our commitment includes being a member of the Green Building Council of Australia®, Australia’s national waste paint and packaging program PaintBack®, and the Australian Supply Chain Sustainability School. Dulux also has strong links with key industry bodies.

Green building standards

Green Building Standards are schemes that rate projects against unique and specific criteria and standards to determine an overall rating of a building. Dulux envirO₂™ can contribute to the achievement of Green Building Project certifications, including GreenStar®, WELL™, LEED® and Living Building Challenge (LBC). We can help you achieve your building rating with envirO₂™. Contact our friendly Help & Advice team for more details on 13 25 25 or through LiveChat.

DuluxGroup Sustainability Report

At Dulux, improving product sustainability is a priority. We support a low-carbon, circular future while meeting customer expectations. Download our annual DuluxGroup Sustainability Report to learn about our progress in carbon reduction, sustainable packaging, waste management,, chemical use, and energy consumption.

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